Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Sorry I've been kind of m.i.a. lately.  I took somewhat of a break this fall to work on some other projects I had going on.

Like starting an etsy shop!  Not at all related to flowers actually, but lots of fun.  It's mostly finger puppets and other things made out of felt right now, but I'm working on expanding to clothes and accessories for kids as well.

Here's one of my favorites - a Noah's Ark finger puppet set.

I decided to focus a bit more on this business through Christmas (lots of Christmas present orders!) but now I'm back and going to be spending more time on flowers again.  

And because I feel like I just can't post on here without some wedding flower inspiration for you.  These are photos from a wedding I did a while ago that the photographer sent me after I'd already done a blog post on this wedding, so I never posted them on here!  But they're gorgeous and I wanted to share.

More posts coming soon!  I promise!